In addition to the "Getting Started" page, there are two other ways to navigate within this application:
Main Menu
The Main Menu is located in the top-right corner of the Fax Management interface and consists of the following options: Inbox, Send Fax, Outbox, Archive, Contacts.
Inbox: The "Inbox" button opens the Inbox interface which allows Fax-to-Email users to manage all received faxes.
Send Fax: The "Send Fax" button opens a screen that allows you to create and send faxes online.
Outbox: The "Outbox" button opens a screen that displays a queue of all outbound faxes.
Archive: The "Archive" button opens a screen that displays faxes that have been archived on our system in the last forty days. Fax-to-Email users are able to manage sent and received faxes here.
Contacts: The "Contacts" button allows Fax-to-Email users to create, manage and store fax and email contacts.
Secondary Menu
The Secondary Menu is located at the top-left corner of the interface and consists of the following links: Home, Getting Started, Help, Settings and Logout.
Home: The "Home" link directs you to your Inbox.
Getting Started: The "Getting Started" link will display the "Getting Started with Fax-to-Email" interface.
Help: This link opens the help file system you are currently viewing.
Settings: The "Settings" link allows you to update your account information, company details and your personal signature as well as giving you the option to block fax numbers.
Logout: The "Logout" link will log you out of the current session of Fax-to-Email.